Earn a Bonus by Boosting Your Score in 2022!

Get Consultation for MIPS 2022 Quality Measures from us.

MIPS Score 2022

MIPS Reporting 2022

MIPS 2022 is not just about bonuses, incentives, and financial rewards. It significantly affects the professional reputation and credibility of doctors and healthcare providers.

MIPS is a payment adjustment program that requires eligible doctors to submit data and gives them either a fair payment or a penalty based on their QPP MIPS score.

Doctors and physicians who practice from rural areas and didn’t participate in MIPS during the COVID-19 can now use MIPS 2022 measures to make their scores and performance better.

MIPS 2022 measures

What is MACRA?

MACRA, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act is a law supported by both political parties that drives QPP MIPS and similar programs. It shows the power that MACRA holds. MACRA officially became a law on April 16, 2015.

MIPS 2022 is currently underway. CMS has made many updates to the current reporting process. For example, CMS has raised the performance threshold score from 45 to 60 to avoid penalties this year. The eligible doctors of MIPS can submit their data for several measures until March 31, 2023, by following a series of steps.

Just like in previous years (QPP 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021), CMS allows MIPS-qualified registries like ours to submit data for eligible practices for QPP 2022.


MACRA and MIPS are supposed to work together. The core principles of MIPS are quality, value, and accountability that all doctors are required to obey. The eligible doctors and healthcare providers are always winning if they meet their goals. Moreover, MIPS incentives are always available to provide you the boost required for your practice.

The MIPS program brings value-based care into the healthcare system. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), MACRA introduces a new payment system that pays doctors for giving better care instead of just seeing more patients.

Doctors can focus on providing their best services in the 4 MIPS performance areas. These areas include Quality, Cost, PI, and IA. The overall MIPS score is based on the quality of the data submitted for these areas during the performance year. However, there are 6 Quality measures for practices in the MIPS program.

MIPS performance areas






Promoting Interoperability


Improvement Activities

MIPS 2022: Your Performance Checklist!

Make MIPS 2022 Reporting Easy and Score Big With Prime Well!

1. Secure Up to 5% of Medicare Part B Incentives

At Prime Well Med Solutions, we provide expert guidance to help you throughout the MIPS 2022 data submission process. Our consultants understand that not everyone has the time or expertise to understand the details of each performance category. However, by successfully reporting MIPS 2022, you can earn valuable MIPS incentives.

2. Prevent the 9% MIPS 2022 Penalty

Healthcare providers can’t afford to neglect the 9% Medicare penalty in MIPS 2022. We will guide you through regulatory rules, submit reports on time, and choose smart, specialty-specific measures. Trust us for smooth MIPS 2022 Quality Measures reporting and avoid any penalties.

3. Become a Leading Performer of MIPS 2022

To get the highest level of MIPS Quality Measures performance, you need to score at least 89 points. This is your last chance to earn a spot in the bonus pool. Take advantage of this opportunity to become a top scorer with the right resources and know-how.

CMS-Approved MIPS Qualified Registry for Physicians 2022

It is not enough to simply submit MIPS 2022 Quality Measures. With the passage of time, it can be challenging to deal with the heavy administrative workload and the stress of reporting MIPS 2022 data.

Getting help from a qualified MIPS 2022 registry makes it easier for doctors to manage their paperwork so they can focus on their main work. 

While our experts handle recording your performance for timely data submission, you can improve your clinical practices. Successfully submitting data can earn you up to 5% in rewards.

To get this recognition, contact Prime Well Med Solutions today!

MIPS 2022 registry
MIPS reporting services

Why Choose Prime Well Med Solutions for MIPS Services 2022?

Choosing Prime Well Med Solutions for MIPS services means partnering with experts dedicated to enhancing your performance. Here’s how we can benefit you:

· Customized Reporting Solutions
· Proactive Coordination and Support
· Progressive Reporting
· Maximized Financial Rewards

6 Easy Steps to Ace MIPS Reporting 2022!​

You can pass through the MIPS reporting 2022 easily by mastering the following 6 steps:

Step 1

Check Your Eligibility

Step 2

Plan and Perform

Step 3

Collect Data

Step 4

Review Data

Step 5

Timely Submit Data

Step 6

Review Performance Feedback

Ready to take advantage of the new opportunities in MIPS 2020?

Join us in maximizing your rewards and improving your performance under MACRA’s Quality Payment Program!